Updates from the Shipster

Hi Everyone! I've got a couple of fun events coming up in the near future! If you're in the St. John's/Mount Pearl area this month, feel free to come by and check them out!

The Life and Death of the S.S. Florizel February 22nd - The Rooms, St. John's

Come by The Rooms for 2:30pm and join me for a chat about the life and death of the S.S. Florizel. The talk is part of The Rooms' Coffee & Culture program, and is included in the price of admission. Afterwards, enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea upstairs in the cafe!

Click here for more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/269798350221532/

Faces of the Florizel On Air February 28th - Admiralty House and Communications Museum, Mount Pearl

Starting at 7pm, myself and Deanna Walter will be joining Dale Jarvis for a live recording of his Living Heritage podcast. Deanna will be talking about Admiralty House's brand new exhibit about the S.S. Florizel, and I'll be chatting about the story of the ship itself. Admission is free, and there will be a guided tour of the exhibit afterwards.

Click here for more information: 


Looking forward to seeing you there!